This week-end was dedicated to show our new American friends the further parts of the Cape Peninsula. We first stopped in Muizenberg, a little city on the way to the Cape Point, cherished by the surfers because one of the best waves spot!
This place is really cute thanks to its multicoloured little houses on the beach and to the relaxed surfing atmosphere.
I also had the opportunity to taste the peanut butter crackers on this beach, which is something quite curious but not bad in the end. (I could actually have tried them elsewhere but I consider this step as really important in my peanut butter initiation, so I had to mention it).
We met with Eva, our Dutch flatmate who was surfing, and we went to Kalk Bay, a bit further south, still in the direction of the Cape Point, to eat in our favourite restaurant. Unfortunately it was closed but we could try a Cuban restaurant instead... Now I know I'd rather go to Cuba if I want to eat Cuban food!
Anyway, we went back to Simon's Town, even further south, the last village before the Cape Point Natural Reserve, where you can see penguins! The light was perfect, the sun was getting slightly red and we had the perfect view on Cape Agullas, on the other side of the gulf. Obviously, out of 5 cameras, no one had batteries anymore... no picture of this magic time!!!
On Sunday the 1st of June, we were invited by one of our colleague, Asanda, to have lunch at Mzoli's place, the most famous Braai place in CT's townships. That was also the first occasion to take our flat friends out. Each of the 5 friends we have draw a flat himself, that we are supposed to bring everywhere with us.
The atmosphere at Mzoli's is the best!!!
Music really loud, people everywhere, the car parked in the middle of the terrace, you can open the toilet only from outside (and you really don't want to be stuck inside....)
The weather was perfect, we had a table in the sun, went buy beers while the guys bought the meet we were gonna eat: you enter the back of the "restaurant", which looks like a butchery, you choose your meat (pork chicken, sausages), you put it on a trail, you bring to the backyard were they cook it on huge Braais... and then you can eat your huge trail of meat!!!!
So good!
We spent more than 4 hours there, just eating, drinking beers, chatting, being stuck in the toilet...
The return was quite epic, since we were 7 in the car, plus the doggy bags we took at Mzoli's. That was good fun! As opposed to what most people would think if they've never been there, I truly believe that the township are just the best good-mood maker! There is so much life in there, it's totally different from the cold city centre, where the is no one except buildings on Sundays.